Monday, August 01, 2005

More about the NIE dress code....

[This post courtesy of NIE com lab...]

I just realised something about the dress code on the way up to the library....

Read and compare the code for males and females.

For females:
Click on photo for a larger size...

And for males:
Again, click for larger size...

Notice the difference in the two? Only to be expected, right, because of dressing differences between the two sexes.

However, here's an interesting thought:

Does that mean that it is acceptable attire, if men wear skirts that are 4 finger lengths above the knee, expose their midriffs, their bare backs, or if they decide to wear spaghetti straps, tubes and tank tops? [As a sidenote, are there any men in NIE right now who want to test out this loophole? :p]

Hmmm..... NIE might think about how they want to phrase their signage in the future.........


Trebuchet said...

'cher, it's to allow male teachers to wear kilts to class...

Trebuchet said...

oh yes, i love your blog, very refreshing... i was getting all jaded from thirteen years and four generations of teaching... but note, you might have to be about as circumspect as tym once you get posted to school... or you might end up like me - hahahaha!

Aki Tan said...

Not sure whether that was supposed to be a kind of encouragement....... er................... is it too late to question my career choice? :p

theteachersguide said...

EDGE??? i was there.. interesting blog.. too bad didnt know before..