Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Holiday Book Syndrome

Coined by GTS, this syndrome hits tertiary students of all majors in most universities around the world.

This is when an unknowing student takes home piles of revision notes and textbooks from school over the weekend, thinking that he would take advantage of the weekend to read them all.

And at the end of Sunday, the notes and texts still remain unread.

Yup, I can think of at least one person to which this applies......................... :p


Tym said...

The teacher's version:

Weekend Marking Syndrome

This is when a knowing/well-meaning/self-deceiving teacher takes home unmarked assignments/tests/materials for unplanned lessons from school over the weekend, thinking that he would take advantage of the weekend to mark/read them all.

And at the end of Sunday, the work still remains untouched.

For I, too, have sinned and fall short of the glory of NIE...

Aki Tan said...

So untreated cases of Holiday Book Syndrome will become increasingly worse till it becomes full-blown Weekend Marking Syndrome huh? :p

Fortunately I'm counteracting the syndrome... by making sure I never bring home books during the holidays or weekend... :p

Tym said...

See, the theory is to never bring books home during the holidays or weekend --- but at some point when the full weight of a term's work overwhelms, one can't help but give in to the placebo effect. It's the same psychological game you play as a student, just translated into the work environment.

This weekend, however, I will complete my marking. Otherwise got nothing to return and review for next week's lessons!